
  • He is Jay Chou, he is my idol and my inspiration.

    Halo ini blognya Anugrah. Hallo, this is Anugrah's blog. Oke Lanjooottt!

  • He is Tom Cruise. He is my idol because of his acting quality.

    Halo ini blognya Anugrah. Hallo, this is Anugrah's blog. Oke Lanjooottt!

  • This is ... oh shit why you put my pic there !!! eh its me.

    Halo ini blognya Anugrah. Hallo, this is Anugrah's blog. Oke Lanjooottt!

Thursday 26 December 2019

The Effects of Lying for Life and Personality - A Cause and Effect Essay

Cause and Effect Essay

The Effects of Lying for Life and Personality

By : Desak Anugrah Dwi Kusuma

Picture 1.0 Long-nosed pinocchio is usually used as an illustration of someone who likes to lie.

            Telling lie or what would people say dishonest is an act which has so many motives behind. It derives from people needs to get some profit in the tight situation. People maybe telling lies to win the admiration of others, to avoid embarrassment, to exercise power over others by controlling the information the target has, to obtain a reward not otherwise readily obtained, and so on. Therefore, we cannot say that telling lie is negative at all, because there is might be a good reason, like to maintain privacy without notifying others of that intention, defend the truth or protecting someone else from danger. But, however, lying can be a double-edged knife which sharpness can affect life and personality so badly.    

Although it is often understimated, people’s life can be seriously in danger by several effects of lying. First, lying can destroy relationship. In life, human can not live alone, so relationship which is built on trust is very important. It is very hard to get trust. By just one act of lying, trust can be dissapear and it can be very difficult to rebuild. Until, the lack of trust ruins someone life in society, then it affects to career, economy, family image, and many others life aspects. Second, lying can change lifestyle. To keep a little white lies alone is not easy, it creates anxiety that brings eat and sleep issues. Third,  lying can make someone addicted. It is like snowball, little by little, the bigger it can be until it makes someone good becomes villain and trapped at jail in the end.

Picture 1.1 The illustration of someone who is trying to not get caught lying.

            Besides giving bad effects to life, lying also gives some for personality. First, lying can lead someone losing their identity. If someone is telling lies to cover the true identity for over and over, the untruth facts will be truly believed because of illusory truth effect. Then,  someone will be too comfortable to be a person who is not himself. For example, poor people claim they are rich, telling lies if they have everything but nothing for real until something bad happened. Second, lying can change kind personality into a bad one. With lies that are increasingly piling up, a person might lose his mind because being stressed to think the ways to cover up those lies. For example, being afraid to meet friends, looks moody, panic, and likes to yell even to parents in order to defend the lies. Third, lying can decrease self-esteem. Because, when someone tells lie too often, he will start to think less of himself.
Picture 1.3 Losing self-esteem.

Telling a tiny lie in order to keep someone in a good mood, like giving praise to friend even though his food is not delicious enough, is perfectly fine. But, if a person is covering up something essential to himself, or can not address the truth for beneficial things that not supposed to obtain, it can have negative effects, especially for life and personality. Therefore, in essence, telling lies is indeed an act that human must get rid of in order to avoid bad things happen in the present life or in the future.

Postscript : This essay was made by using outline technique. 
I will show you the outline below. 

Friday 13 December 2019

Should We Believe in Ghosts ? - An Argumentative Essay

Argumentative Essay 

Should We Believe in Ghost ?

By : Desak Anugrah Dwi Kusuma

The common illustration of ghost.

            Have you ever seen ghost in real life, but wondered whether it is just an illusion and an illogical thing to be believed? You are not the only one. It has been a common human stereotype to put ghost just in an imagination and choose not to dive too deep for something which does not make sense. That is so natural because a supernatural entity like ghost often appears in fictional stories only. But, not a few people deny these stereotypes. A 2013 The Harris Poll found that 42% among 2.250 adults of Americans believe in ghost. In addition, a  2014 YouGov poll for The Sun also found that 34% of 1629 British adults believe in ghosts – and 9% have communicated with the dead. Eventhough there is no scientific proof and logic for the existence of ghost, as a human being, we should believe it because ghost takes a big role in underlying mankind cultural heritage, religions, and personal life.

Ancient Sumerian cylinder seal impression showing the god Dumuzid being tortured in the Underworld by galla demons.

              In particular perspective, cultural heritages seemingly serve as a glimpse of ghost existence. Ghosts appear firstly in the beginning of literacy era, precisely in ancient Sumerian relief as a reflection of soul and spirit after death. Although, it is considered as a product of mankind’s fear of death (Danelek, 2006), the belief of ghost becomes a part of cultures and affects the society toward the way Mesopotamian invented traditional healing practice ascribed a variety of illnesses to the action of ghosts (Black et al., 1992). Meanwhile, in Bali, Indonesia, ghosts considered as negativity that must be destroyed. It becomes a foundation of Ter-teran tradition (fire war) in Karangasem, Bali which function is to expel evil spirits before the Day of Silence. There are also spiritual problems in society which only can be solved by using spiritual cultural ancestorian solution e.g santet (voodoo in Indonesia) like preparing 7 forms of flower, frankincense, chicken blood, and so on. By believing in ghost existence, we maintain the cultural heritages and we also can solve an unexplained problem which related to supernatural world.

Ter-teran, a fire war ceremony on the Nyepi Eve in Karangasem, Bali.

            Eventhough many people don't seem to believe in the existence of ghost, some religion does by mentioning it through certain sentences in scriptures explicitly or implicitly. According to Judaism, ghosts can be real but we must avoid calling them. It is derived from the interpretation of The First Book of Samuel (1 Samuel 28:3-19), which contains a story of a disguised King Saul has the Witch of Endor conduct a séance to summon the dead prophet, Samuel. In Christianity, some ghosts are called to be demons in disguise, in accordance with The First Epistle of Paul to Timothy that they “come to deceive people and draw them away from God and into bondage.”. Then, according to Islam, the dead can appear to the living (Diem & Scholer, 2004), to be good saints which called Ruh and impure souls seeking for revenge called Afarit (Smith & Haddad, 2002). In Buddhism view, human can be reborn in the realm of hungry ghosts (Firth, 2005).  Meanwhile, in Hinduism, ghost is considered as Bhutta which is the lowest caste entity that has negatif energy. Those religions have a their own way to expel the ghost, like mecaru in Hinduism, exorcist in Judaism and Christian, and ruqyah in Islam. By believing in the existence of ghosts, we can easily distinguish which is one is good or bad in order to strengthen our faith and also be aware of the realm of life after the death.

Witch of Endor by Nikolai Ge, depicting King Saul encountering the ghost of Samuel (1857).
            The existence of ghost which is unseen has influenced ‘extraordinary’ people personal life. As we know that such a popular horror movie, Annabelle is based on the true story of American paranormal investigators, Edward and Lorraine Warren. It is one of their notable paranormal investigation besides the case of Perron family, Amityville, Enfield poltergeist, Demons, Snedeker house, Smurl family, Werewolf, and the case of Union cemetery. The spiritual world that they believe makes them be able to investigate something out of reason, something which cannot be explained with science, and something cannot be seen. But, surprisingly, it is real. It means, by believing ghosts is exist, we will be more appreciate ‘extraordinary’ people instead consider them crazy.

Annabelle doll (right) and the potrait of paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren (left).
Ghost appear to be something we must believe not so much on a rational, empirical level, but on an intuitive or even emotional level. It is something we feel to be true eventhough few of us have ever had a genuine paranormal experience. Their illusory truth effect brings the addition of universe mystery and reinforce our inherent beliefs that there is much more to the cosmos than what tiny bit we can see from our limited vision. Besides that, the believe of ghost existence also enriches mankind’ cultural heritage, the ways of thinking in overcoming spiritual problems, strengthening human faith, and building empathy toward ‘extraordinary’ people. That is why we should believe in ghost.

References :
Black, Jeremy A, et al. 1992 (1992). Gods, demons, and symbols of ancient Mesopotamia: an illustrated dictionary. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0-292-70794-8.

            Dahlgreen, Will. 2014. 'Ghosts exist', say 1 in 3 Brits. United Kingdom : YouGov.

Danelek, J. Allan. 2006. The Case for Ghosts. The Case for Ghosts: An Objective Look at the Paranormal. United States of America : Llewellyn Publications. ISBN-13: 978-0-7387-0865-2

Diem, Warner & Schöller, Marco. 2004.  The Living and the Dead in Islam: Epitaphs as texts. Otto Harrassowitz Verlag. ISBN 9783447050838

Firth, Shirley. 2005.  End of Life: A Hindu View. The Lancet.

Missal, Larry S. 2013. Americans’ Belief in God, Miracles and Heaven Declines. The Harris Poll® #97. United States of America : A Stagwell Company.

Smith & Haddad. 2002. The Islamic Understanding of Death and Resurrection. London :Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-195-15649-2.

Postscript : 
This essay was made by using outline technique. 
I will show you the outline below. 

Monday 25 November 2019

Narrative Essay about My Horror Experience

Narrative Essay 

A Black Tall Man

By : Desak Anugrah Dwi Kusuma
      There were many scary events that I have ever experienced in this life. Once, I went to my neighbour’s house, then a vicious dog chased me like it had a rabies symptom. Another scary thing, I saw a horrific accident in the big road which the victim’s head broke into half.  I also experienced a big black spider came toward my face when I was sleeping—that was gross. Although, there are many untold stories which I can not write down all here, I am so excited to tell one of my unforgetable horror story which is still dreadfully frightening my mind.

     I had a creepy experience when I returned home after joining AKM (Ajang Kreativitas Mahasiswa) 2019 activities in campus. It was a cloudy cold night while the clock on my phone was striking at one forty-five. I had to pass a quite and dark road along the way back. I also had to ride my motorcycle into a narrow alley next to Yeh Taluh river to return home. I did it with no fear and hoped anything could run well. But, something wrong happened in the halfway through. When I arrived to that alley, I smelled weird fragrance like a mixture of sandalwood and frangipani. “Why do I smell this pungent odor ? There are no frangipani and sandalwood trees surrounding the road” I thought. I pretended to act careless and I continued the ride. But, the further I got, the more goosebumps I felt.

Picture 1.1 Passing the dark road
Once in a while, I turned my sight to the left and right. How surprised I was when I slightly saw a rather mysterious black tall man at my neighbour’s backyard. I assumed ‘it’ was a man because of the glympse of his body posture. I did not see his face clearly, he was tall and black like a silhouete. His head did not face me, he just faced straight ahead. He stood firmly between banana and mango trees with folded arms across his chest. “Who the hell is he? Is he a stalker?” I mumbled. After passing my neighbour’s backyard, I arrived home rapidly and kept that questions in my head until the morning was coming.

Picture 1.3 A black tall man depiction.
        The day after,  I wanted to seek the answer of those enigma. I chatted my neigbour to release my curiosity. “Good morning, may I ask you something?” I asked. “For pleasure. What is it ?” she replied. “Do you have siblings or kinsman who love to stay late and stand in your backyard?” I asked. “Of course not. I live here just with my husband and my father-in-law. What happened last night ?” she asked me back. “Nothing. I just wanted to ask you. Chill out.” I answered her pretending that nothing happened. I was shocked and silently endured from fear. I admitted that I was very scared till I scarcely breathed and stoned like a statue. I did not find the answer, but a stubborn puzzle with creepy sauce.

      I never really believed a supernatural entity before, until I saw it before my eyes.  After a long research and contemplation, I found that it was a supernatural entity called ‘Gede Selem’ according to Balinese faith. It was a matter that should not be asked furthermore. I had nothing to do with it. But, I had a difficulty to forget this experience. Everytime I passed the alley toward my house, I felt uncomfortable and scared. I always prayed to God or even rang the bell of my motorcycle for three times in order to avoid an unconditional meeting with supernatural entity. So, in essence, this experience was indeed the creepiest embodiment of nightmare that peered me day after day forever.    

Postscript : 
This essay was made by using mind map technique. 
I will show you the mind map below. 

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Descriptive Essay about Music "My Favorite Music Genre"

Academic Writing
Descriptive Essay 

My Favorite Music Genre
By : Desak Anugrah Dwi Kusuma

Illustration of classical music sheet.
Image source : http://ishow.es/es/espectaculo/78712/TuMusica-Valencia.html

Music genres are very important for song lovers who want to know which songs are suitable to listen to. Actually, the song lovers might have different criteria to choose music. It depends on their mood, character, and situation. For example, punk rock songs are intended to be a spirit catalyst for laziness, rap songs are intended to be a media to confide, and also R&B songs to dance and sing together. But, eventhough I have listened to many songs with various music genres, my soul only emerges and enjoys classical music. 

Classical music orchestra.
Image source : https://www.limelightmagazine.com.au/reviews/yulianna-avdeeva-performs-chopins-piano-concerto-no-1-sydney-symphony-orchestra/

The best music genre to my mind is classical. Classical music always be able to control my emotions whether it is sad or happy. The sadness usually comes from Chopin’s masterpiece like Nocturne Chopin Op. 9, No. 2, while the happiness from Beethoven's, Bach’s, Tchaikovsky’s and Mozart’s. Their songs touch the deepest of my brain through my ears gently like a mild aesthetic. When I mess up, the soft tones soothe my nerves and release the pain in my heart. If I close my eyes during listening to classical music, I will see a reflection of Renaissance age and dance like a nobleman in Neuschwanstein castle. I feel peaceful and joyful as I live in my imagination world. Therefore, I can listen to classical music everyday, especially when studying, sleeping, and riding my bicycle along the way.  

The depiction of my sight and imagination while listening to classical music.
Source :  https://1.bp.blogspot.com/my%2Bimagination/

I have been trying to listen to any songs with different genres and I love it, because songs are equally entertaining. But, there are no songs that can free up my soul in the prison called 'Earth', except classical music. With classical music, I could make my total appreciation that maybe I only do for a few times in my life. So that, in essence, my favorite music genre which is indeed suitable for my soul is still classical. 

Postscript : 
This essay was made by using mind map technique. 
I will show you the mind map below. 

Mind map of this essay.

Wednesday 9 January 2019

Artikel tentang Jokowi vs Prabowo

Survei Update: Jokowi Vs Prabowo di 3 Survei Terakhir

Survei Update: Jokowi Vs Prabowo di 3 Survei TerakhirIlustrasi (Mindra Purnomo/detikcom)
Jakarta - Survei elektabilitas capres-cawapres bermunculan menjelang pencoblosan Pilpres 2019. Setidaknya berdasarkan hasil survei tiga lembaga terbaru, pasangan Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin masih unggul atas Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno.

"Bila pemilihan presiden diadakan sekarang, Jokowi masih unggul atas Prabowo Subianto," kata peneliti Indikator, Burhanuddin Muhtadi, di kantor Indikator, Jalan Cikini V, Jakarta Pusat, Selasa (8/1/2019).
Meski demikian, masih terlihat cukup banyak responden yang belum menentukan pilihan atau merahasiakan pilihannya. Selain itu, masih ada serangkaian debat capres-cawapres yang bakal dimanfaatkan setiap pasangan calon untuk merebut pemilih yang belum menentukan pilihan ini.

Berikut hasil 3 survei terakhir untuk Pilpres 2019:

Survei Indikator

Periode: 16-26 Desember 2018
Metode: random sampling
Responden: 1.220 orang
Margin of Error: 2,9 persen


Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin: 54,9 persen
Prabowo-Sandiaga: 34,8 persen

LSI Denny JA

Periode: 5-12 Desember 2018
Metode: multistage random sampling
Responden: 1.200 orang
Margin of Error: 2,8 persen


Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin: 54,2 persen
Prabowo-Sandiaga: 30,6%
Rahasia/tidak menjawab: 15,2%


Periode: 4-16 November 2018
Metode: multistage random sampling
Responden: 1.200 orang
Margin of Error: 2,9 persen


Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin: 47,7 persen
Prabowo-Subianto-Sandiaga Uno: 35,5 persen
Undecided votters: 16,8 persen

Persiapan Jokowi dan Prabowo Hadapi Debat

Persiapan Jokowi dan Prabowo Hadapi DebatJokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga (Foto: Pradita Utama)
Jakarta - Debat Calon Presiden antara Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin dengan Prabowo-Sandiaga akan dimulai pada pekan depan. Masing-masing calon pun sudah mulai melakukan persiapan, dari visi-misi hingga isu yang akan dibawa ke perdebatan.

Dirangkum detikcom, Selasa (8/1/2019), penegakan hukum menjadi materi dalam debat capres-cawapres pertama. Cawapres Sandiaga Uno mengaku akan mengangkat kasus teror terhadap penyidik senior KPK, Novel Baswedan.

"Ada kemungkinan (mengangkat kasus Novel dalam debat perdana) karena masalah korupsi itu kan sudah sangat akut, ada di stadium 4. Kalau kanker, kalau penyakit, sudah sangat kronis," kata Sandiaga di Bulungan, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (8/1/2019).

Menurut Sandiaga, dengan mengangkat kasus-kasus yang masih berjalan, bisa memudahkan masyarakat mengambil kesimpulan tentang kinerja penegakan hukum pemerintahan Jokowi.

"Secara kontekstual pasti akan lebih mudah untuk mengangkat topik-topik atau kasus-kasus yang sedang berjalan dan dirasakan oleh masyarakat mana yang sudah adil, mana yang belum dirasakan keadilannya. Nah ini yang menjadi tugas kita bersama-sama tim menyiapkan," ujar Sandiaga.

Lalu bagaimana dengan kubu sebelah? Kubu Jokowi-Ma'ruf sudah melakukan persiapan. Pasangan Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin mendapat bantuan dari tiga mantan penyiar televisi dalam persiapan debat.

"Mantan-mantan penyiar TV, ada saya, Putra Nababan, Tina Talisa, yang semuanya pengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di layar kaca," ujar Jubir TKN Jokowi-Ma'ruf, Meutya Hafid.

Bukan hanya tiga eks presenter TV itu saja yang membantu Jokowi-Ma'ruf dalam persiapan debat. Setidaknya ada sekitar 15 orang yang masuk tim debat yang merupakan tim kecil dari TKN.

Untuk isu, pasangan nomor urut 01 itu akan membahas hal-hal yang nyata yang sudah dirasakan oleh masyarakat. Sekretaris Tim Kampanye Nasional (TKN) Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin, Hasto Kristiyanto, menambahkan, pihaknya tidak akan bawa hal-hal yang mengawang-awang di materi debatnya.

"Kita bicara hal-hal yang nyata dirasakan oleh rakyat dan bagaimana pemimpin menjawab itu. Bukan hal hal yang di awang-awang. Hal yang membumi yang dirasakan rakyat itu nanti akan diberi jawaban oleh Pak Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin," ucap Hasto, terpisah. 

Jokowi vs Prabowo di Pusaran Tema Debat Pertama

Jokowi vs Prabowo di Pusaran Tema Debat PertamaJokowi dan Prabowo di Padepokan Pencak Silat. Foto: Twitter @pramonoanung
Jakarta - Pekan depan capres Joko Widodo (Jokowi) dan Prabowo Subianto akan berhadapan dalam panggung debat perdana Pilpres 2019. Tema untuk debat kali ini yakni 'Hukum, HAM, Korupsi dan Terorisme'.

"Yang kita inginkan dari metode debat KPU, sekarang ini mengeksplorasi gagasan visi-misi itu," ujar komisioner KPU Pramono Ubaid Tanthowi di kantor KPU, Jl Imam Bonjol, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (7/1/2019).

Jokowi dan Prabowo sebetulnya sudah pernah bertemu di atas panggung debat capres pada Pilpres 2014. Kini mereka kembali akan kembali berhadapan, namun dengan pasangan duet yang berbeda.

Baik pasangan Jokowi-KH Ma'ruf Amin maupun Prabowo-Sandiaga Uno sudah menyiapkan visi-misi hingga program kerja yang telah dikumpulkan ke KPU sejak beberapa bulan lalu. Pada dokumen yang mereka kirim tertulis janji-janji terkait hukum, HAM, penanganan korupsi, hingga menanggulangi terorisme.

Berikut perbandingan gagasan Jokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga sesuai tema debat perdana Pilpres 2019:


Jokowi-Ma'ruf lebih fokus kepada reformasi sistem hukum. Sementara itu Prabowo-Sandiaga menekankan pada penegakkan supremasi hukum.

Selengkapnya tentang perbedaan gagasan Jokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga di bidang hukum bisa dilihat di sini!


Jokowi yang merupakan petahana masih mengedepankan penyelesaian kasus HAM masa lalu dalam janjinya kali ini. Sementara itu Prabowo dalam dokumen visi-misi memang tak eksplisit menulis HAM, namun dia berjanji memenuhi kebutuhan hak dasar fakir miskin dan kaum rentan lainnya.

Lebih lanjut mengenai visi dan misi Jokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga seputar HAM dan hak lainnya bisa disimak di sini!


Untuk isu korupsi, Jokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga tampak kompak karena fokus pada pencegahan. Keduanya juga sama-sama berniat menguatkan KPK.

Apa saja persamaan pandangan keduanya tentang pencegahan korupsi? Simak di sini!


Pasangan Jokowi-Ma'ruf berniat memberantas terorisme mulai dari penguatan ideologi negara. Sementara itu Prabowo-Sandiaga ingin lebih menguatkan aparat, dalam hal ini TNI dan Polri.

Simak perbedaan gagasan Jokowi-Ma'ruf dan Prabowo-Sandiaga melawan terorisme di sini!

'Masyarakat perlu informasi sebanyak-banyaknya,' Presiden Jokowi tanggapi kontroversi iklan bioskop

Image captionBakal calon Presiden Joko Widodo (kedua kanan) berjabat tangan dengan bakal cawapres Ma'ruf Amin (kanan), Wapres Juuf Kalla (kedua kiri) dan pengusaha Erick Thohir usai memberikan keterangan terkait formasi tim sukses kampanye Pilpres 2019 di Jakarta, Jumat (07/09).
Diprotes keras kubu Prabowo-Sandiaga, Presiden Joko Widodo akhirnya angkat bicara perihal tayangan iklan kinerja pemerintah di bioskop yang dituding sebagai kampanye terselubung.
Sambil tertawa ringan, Presiden Jokowi menyatakan iklan itu informasi kinerja pemerintah yang harus disampaikan skepada masyarakat oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika.
"Itu memang tugas Kominfo (Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika) menginfokan mana apa yang sudah, mana yang dalam proses, mana yang akan, dan mana yang belum (dikerjakan pemerintah)," kata Jokowi di Bogor, Jumat (14/9).
Di hadapan wartawan, Joko Widodo mengatakan, pemberitahuan kinerja pemerintah kepada masyarakat itu mirip yang dilakukan Kementerian Penerangan di masa Orde Baru.
"Kalau dulu, misalnya, Menteri Penerangan yang menerangkan (program pemerintah). Lalu masak suruh diem gini, gimana sih?" kata Jokowi, kemudian tertawa, sambil memperagakan menutup mulut.

Presiden; 'Kewajiban Menkoninfo'

Ditanya wartawan bahwa iklan itu dianggap tidak tepat karena bertepatan dengan peristiwa pemilu, Presiden mengatakan: "Tiga, (atau) empat tahun lalu sudah saya sampaikan, baik lewat Youtube, (atau) televisi."
"Itu kewajiban Menkoinfo," katanya lagi. "Itu amanat Undang-Undang. Dilihat saja (materi UU)."
Presiden jokowiHak atas fotoANTARA FOTO/YULIUS SATRIA WIJAYA
Image captionPresiden Jokowi menanggapi soal iklan kontroversial di bioskop itu setelah membuka kongres ke-36 GMKI di Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (14/09)

Kampanye terselubung? 'Hentikan tayangannya'

Sebelumnya, tayangan iklan kinerja pemerintahan Joko Widodo yang diputar semenjak pekan lalu di jaringan bioskop di seluruh Indonesia, telah diprotes oleh partai pendukung Prabowo-Subianto.
Iklan yang dibuat oleh Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika ini dituding sebagai kampanye terselubung untuk kepentingan Joko Widodo dalam pemilihan presiden tahun depan.
"Kominfo harus tahu batasan-batasan mana yang boleh dilakukan, dan mana yang tidak boleh dilakukan. Bioskop itu ruang privat, karena orang yang membayar yang bisa masuk," kata politikus Partai Demokrat, Ferdinand Hutahean, kepada BBC News Indonesia, Kamis (13/09).
Menurutnya, semua iklan kinerja pemerintah yang menonjolkan Presiden Jokowi, sudah bisa dilkatakan sebagai kampanye, karena dia mencalonkan lagi sebagai kandidat presiden.
"Jadi, kalau ada iklan tentang kinerjanya itu adalah kampanye, dan harus dihentikan, dan tidak bisa masuk ke ruang privat seperti bioskop," tegas Ferdinand.
Protes serupa juga diteriakkan politikus Partai Gerindra, Fadli Zon, yang juga menuntut agar iklan itu dihentikan dari tayangannya di bioskop-bioskop.

Presiden: 'Kita ingin menyampaikan apa adanya'

Kepada wartawan, Presiden Jokowi mengatakan pula bahwa masyarakat memerlukan informasi perihal kinerja pemerintah "sebanyak-banyaknya".
"(Yaitu) menginfokan mana apa yang sudah, mana yang dalam proses, mana yang akan, dan mana yang belum (dikerjakan pemerintah)," katanya.
"Kita ingin menyampikan apa adanya," katanya lagi.
Ferdinand HutaheanHak atas fotoDETIK.COM/DENITA BR MATONDANG
Image captionMenurut politikus Partai Demokrat, Ferdinand Hutahean, semua iklan kinerja pemerintah yang menonjolkan Presiden Jokowi, sudah bisa dilkatakan sebagai kampanye, karena dia mencalonkan lagi sebagai kandidat presiden.
Dalam iklan berjudul "Dua musim 65 bendungan" itu menampilkan video sejumlah bendungan yang sebagian dibangun di masa Presiden Jokowi.
Pembuat iklan, yaitu Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, juga menampilkan seorang petani yang digambarkan mendukung kebijakan pembangunan bendungan karena dianggapnya bermanfaat.
Dalam tayangan di Youtube, video berdurasi empat menit 30 detik itu juga menampilkan video dan suara Presiden Joko Widodo.

Bantahan Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika, yang membuat iklan ini, membantah iklan kinerja pemerintahan Joko Widodo tentang pembangunan puluhan bendungan itu sebagai kampanye terselubung.
"Sama sekali tidak benar kalau iklan layanan masyarakat yang kami sampaikan di bioskop beberapa hari ini sebagai bentuk kampanye," kata Kepala Humas Kemkominfo, Ferdinandus Setu kepada BBC News Indonesia, Kamis (13/09).
Menurutnya, pihaknya hanya menjalankan amanat UU sebagai humas pemerintah.
"Kami berkewajiban untuk senantiasa menyampaikan kepada publik, hal-hal, capaian-capaian, program yang sedang dan telah dilakukan dan apa yang akan dilakukan pemerintah saat," papar Ferdinandus.
"Kebetulan saja pemerintaan saat ini adalah pemerintahan Jokowi-JK, dan kebetulan pula Pak Jokowi akan running lagi dalam pencapresan tahun depan," tambahnya.
Titi AnggraeniHak atas fotoPERLUDEM
Image caption"Cerita terhadap keberhasilan Presiden Jokowi mungkin akan biasa-biasa saja, kalau dia tidak dalam proses untuk berkontestasi sebagai bakal calon pasangan presiden," kata pimpinan Perludem, Titi Anggraeni.
"Tapi sebenarnya tidak ada hubungan sama-sekali dengan kampanye politik," katanya lagi.
Iklan terkait pembangunan bendungan ini pertama kali ditayangkan di bioskop sejak 8 September lalu dan akan diakhiri sampai 20 September 2018 nanti. "Kami merancangnya pada 2017 lalu," ungkap Ferdinandus.
Dia menambahkan pihaknya memilih bioskop karena pihak pengelolanya menyediakan ruang untuk tayangan iklan.
"Nah kami menggunakan kesempatan itu, karena ketika kami pasang iklan di situ, itu terukur," ujarnya.
Selain itu, pihaknya memilih memasang iklan di bioskop karena belakangan ini animo penonton terhadap film Indonesia mengalami pertumbuhan.
"Bayangkan dari Januari sampai Agustus, penonton film Indonesia itu mencapai 36 juta orang," kata Ferdinandus.

Apa yang bisa dilakukan Badan Pengawas Pemilu?

Dihubungi secara terpisah, anggota Bawaslu, Ratna Dewi Pettalolo menyatakan pihaknya tidak bisa bertindak karena iklan tersebut "tidak masuk kategori kampanye".
"Karena sekarang ini belum ada penetapan Pak Jokowi sebagai calon presiden. Jadi tentu kapasitas yang ditayangkan itu adalah sebagai Presiden," kata Ratna Dewi kepada BBC News, Kamis (13/09).
"Jadi, (iklan) itu bagian dari program pemerintah," tambahnya.
Dengan demikian, lanjutnya, Bawaslu belum memiliki kewenangan untuk menyikapi tayangan iklan kinerja pemerintahan Jokowi yang diprotes oleh sejumlah politikus pendukung Prabowo-Sandiaga.

'Hindari ruang yang bisa menjadi kontroversi'

Bagaimanapun, Direktur Eksekutif Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem), Titi Anggraini, mengatakan, rrotes keras kubu Prabowo-Sandiaga terhadap iklan kinerja pemerintahan Joko Widodo yang diputar bioskop tidak perlu terjadi apabila pembuat iklan tidak mengarahkannya kepada keberhasilan individu presiden.
Semestinya, jika diniatkan sejak awal sebagai iklan kinerja pemerintah, Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika - sebagai pihak pembuat iklan - akan lebih memberi porsi kepada jajaran kementerian dalam materi iklan-iklannya, kata Titi.
"Karena program-program, misalnya, capaian pembangunan bendungan, dan lain-lain itu 'kan capaian pembangunan oleh kementerian," kata Direktur Eksekutif Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem), Titi Anggraini, kepada BBC News Indonesia, Kamis (13/09).
Menurutnya, dari beberapa iklan pemerintah yang beredar di masyarakat terkesan menonjolkan sosok Joko Widodo, sehingga rentan ditafsirkan sebagai kampanya terselubung terkait pilpres.
"Cerita terhadap keberhasilan Presiden Jokowi mungkin akan biasa-biasa saja, kalau dia tidak dalam proses untuk berkontestasi sebagai bakal calon pasangan presiden," katanya.
Titi menekankan hal itu karena segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kepentingan kontestasi, akan menjadi sorotan kedua pihak yang bersaing, selama menjelang pilpres.
"Jadi menurut saya, siapa pun itu, mestinya menghindari ruang-ruang yang bisa menjadi kontroversi," katanya lagi.
Hal lain yang dikritisi Titi Anggraini adalah penggunaan bioskop sebagai medium menayangkan iklan kinerja pemerintahan Jokowi.